The virtual closet revolutionizing your shopping experience
Your virtual closet

While online retail is booming, more and more stationary retailers experience a decrease in foot traffic and sales. While 75 % of clothing shoppers still prefer to shop physically, they report that stores are not living up to the buying behavior of the modern shopper and often do not have the desired item in stock or in the fitting size.

Trendwick is a solution-based app to ease the challenges physical stores are facing while turning the shopping experience into a more pleasant and time-efficient experience for the consumer. Trendwicks business model provides a solution both for the modern shopper and the businesses, in a common mission to regain sales and foot traffic.

Roles / Skills
  • UI/UX Design
  • Market Research
  • Marketing Strategy
  • ISCTE University Project: 2019
  • Financial Analysis: Selma Karaman
  • Viability Study: Mads Blem Bidstrup
Trendwick Styleguide
Trendwicks value proposition

The Trendwick app combines the convenience of online shopping with the advantages of the offline shopping experience. The app enables customers to transform their existing wardrobe into a virtual closet, helping them to find exactly what they are looking for by matching desired items with their virtual closet.

Trendwick is a double-sided platform that both operates within B2B and B2C. Trendwick operates as a service provider for its B2C segment to accommodate the current buying behavior of the modern shopper to save them time and to assist them in their purchasing decision while shopping in physical stores or online.

1. Research and benchmarking

Primary research in from of industry expert interviews was conducted to create a deeper understanding about the target group, consumer behavior trends and to test product acceptance. The competitive research revealed four indirect competitors to Trendwick. They inhere a similar vision of a digital closet but are not connected to physical stores and do not have the same future objective of digitizing a physical industry of clothing items in department stores.

competitor map
2. Market analysis

A thorough market analysis of the retail clothing sector led to a deeper market understanding. By analyzing the market potential, and identifying market trends, changes in the buying behavior of consumers were discovered. Consumers want an omni channel sales experience combining the benefits of stationary and online shopping. The “ROPO” (“Research Online, Purchase Offline”) consumer phenomenon is on the rise, where shoppers will find all the information they need about a product online, but will make the final purchase in-store.

3. Analysis of buying scenarios

Various typical buying scenarios where the user wants to purchase a clothing item were analyzed to gain valuable insights for the final buying behavior scenario for the Trendwick app.

buying scenario of fashion buyers
4. Creation of app use-flow & wireframing

Based on the user flow analysis the wireframing process started. We created a user interface that is clear and simple, and where the user can easily intuit the next possible step in the app.

5. Styleguide

As next step a style guide for the app was developed, serving as guiding tool to transform the wireframes into a first app interface.

6. Prototype development

Based on the wireframes a first app interface was developed to be validated by primary research.

first app interface
7. Primary research and final product development

To acquire further insights into the functional interface of the app primary research in the form of a focus group and a closed question survey was conducted. Users were open towards using the system and impressed with the amount of info being displayed, but felt the interface could be a lot simpler to navigate.

The primary research results gave valuable insights and led to some design adjustments to increase user experience.

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